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A Piece of Toast called Davidson
Bimsley Wurstoff
Builder's Mate Barbara
Cleo Bendrani
Doctor of Buttons
Dr. Snapcat
(& sub-Susan wasp)
Frostbite Frings
Granny Arbroath
Judge Lob
The Opera Pest
The Saffketrewak
Thelma Thupatup

About Danderloo...

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The Donkey Said
Of Course
Hire A Strange Bucket

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One unmistakable fact about the second half of any Danderloo Performer's show is - the stench of kippers...
Granny Arbroath's interval treat of finely brewed tea and kippers satisfies the audience's appetite for a little refreshment , but there are unfortunate consequences...

The belching. burping, spitting  and passing of wind are but mere distractions in comparison to the sometimes overwhelming miasma of kipper stench that permeates the auditorium.

The great Aunty Grinner was an unfortunate victim of this one night whilst watching Frostbite Frings' belly dance in a glass freezer act.  However, being as hirsuite as she is, it was noted that she was the only member of the audience on that occasion who did not have noxious kipper stench about her person.

Aunty Grinner was invited to the ICP (Institute of Clinical Pogonology) where it was discovered that her beard is immune from kipper fumé.  On the promise of a cheeky kiss behind the clavical and a box of  Havana cigars, Aunty Grinner allowed two eager pogonologists to trim her beard and take samples for clinical testing.

DNA extracted from Aunty's beard revealed that she is a decendent of Pogonodes, a 5th century Roman goddess of beards and Hirsuitia in general, and therefore being a decendant of a diety, Aunty Grinner's beard is immune from all mortal manifestations of decay and degradation, hence the immunity to kipper stench.  Aunty Grinner is pleased to be a Patron of The Glorious Danderloo Performers
and has allowed us to make available, generic copies of her beard,  to all purchasers of Granny Arbroath's teapot and kippers so that they may leave the auditorium  "non fume".

Surprisingly, relatively few people take up this offer.  Perhaps the thought of having to sport a fun beard for a short while makes them feel too conspicuous... 

*Health Advice:-  Consuming Granny Arbroath's kippers may still require bringing a spitbag with you. Thank you.




: Pogonology

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