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A Piece of Toast called Davidson
Bimsley Wurstoff
Builder's Mate Barbara
Cleo Bendrani
Doctor of Buttons
Dr. Snapcat
(& sub-Susan wasp)
Frostbite Frings
Granny Arbroath
Judge Lob
The Opera Pest
The Saffketrewak
Thelma Thupatup

About Danderloo...

danderloo shows img

The Donkey Said
Of Course
Hire A Strange Bucket

Moltoffable Dekarys

The remarkable sound quality that permeates all of the MFRO and Danderloo recordings can be attributed to one component, the Moltoffable Dekary.

Smugdugs and Baffle, the sound complex and 'home' of MFRO , is fortunate enough to possess two moltoffable dekarys. 

The exact scientific secret behind the dekarys' remarkable sound rendering remains a mystery, and many covet that knowledge. It is rumoured however, that only MFRO and Danderloo head man, Bimsley Wurstoff really knows.  In previous years, Bimsley was a humble supplier of kippers to Granny Arbroath, before he went on to become an Adenitor and then a fully fledged Danderloo performer himself  but one day, he brought a sackful of mashmallows instead, to Granny Arbroath because kippers were being stubborn. 

Bimsley and kippersNow legend has it that one of the mashmallows got sucked into one of the recording pipes and became lodged right in the middle of a Dekary. 
Bimsley keeps 'mum' about this, disdainfully scoffing, "Utter pincumnoop" every time it is mooted.

The pic below, shows an artist's impression of a mashmallow inside the dekary, emitting groovy sound vines:-

mashmallowStudies show that the root of Althaea Officinalis has been used since the Middle Ages in the treatment of sore throats. The later French version of the recipe, called pâte de guimauve (or "guimauve" for short), included an eggwhite meringue and was often flavored with rose water. Pâte de guimauve more closely resembles contemporary commercially available marshmallows, which no longer contain any actual marshmallow. (wikipedia)

Bimsley swears that,  "this is all impish conjecture and anyways, you're not even spelling it right my dears; there never was an 'r' in mashmallow in the first place - where did you get that idea from?"  "Just because my singers in Macwarrior's Forbidden Rhythms Orchestra and The Glorious Danderloo Performers all sing in tune don't mean there's two flippiin mashmallows stuck up inside me Moltoffable Dekarys, now does it?"  "Why, to suggest such a thing is surely the cruelest cut of all"  "Im off to have me lunch with the Adenitors, and don't you be trying to get any information out of them, neither"




: Dekary TRIVIA :
(Hover over to read)

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