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A Piece of Toast called Davidson
Bimsley Wurstoff
Builder's Mate Barbara
Cleo Bendrani
Doctor of Buttons
Dr. Snapcat
(& sub-Susan wasp)
Frostbite Frings
Granny Arbroath
Judge Lob
The Opera Pest
The Saffketrewak
Thelma Thupatup

About Danderloo...

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The Donkey Said
Of Course
Hire A Strange Bucket

Frostbite Fings

Mr Frings (and his assistant Lulu Culevante) presents an unorthodox form of belly dance by doing the entire performance from within a glass fridge.
'Frostbite' discovered he had this ability to withstand freezing temperatures when he joined Saffketrewak Skwash, the bare naked cycling group of Limpido, in 2002.
There he met Lulu Culevante who shares this condition and together they have fine tuned their belly dancing act to its current state. As the temperature drops inside the chamber, the audience's thought often turns to that notorious Houdini act involving a water filled tank, but even though the glass windows are eventually frozen over by the end of this couple's act, Frostbite and Lulu always emerge unharmed. Truly unbelievable, if a wee bit chilly.
*tip: bring some woolies and a set of gloves to this show




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