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A Piece of Toast called Davidson
Bimsley Wurstoff
Builder's Mate Barbara
Cleo Bendrani
Doctor of Buttons
Dr. Snapcat
(& sub-Susan wasp)
Frostbite Frings
Granny Arbroath
Judge Lob
The Opera Pest
The Saffketrewak
Thelma Thupatup

About Danderloo...

danderloo shows img

The Donkey Said
Of Course
Hire A Strange Bucket

spitfire pants

These remarkable briefs have found their way into Danderloo foklore by virtue of their main wearer, Judge Lob.

It is not known why the pants "afford the wearer sound judgement", as Judge Lob puts it, but nevertheless, clinical tests appear to prove this theory correct.  Wearing Spitfire Pants actually increases mental alacrity in all matters requiring prudece and discenrment.

Perhaps it is the reference to the fighter plane's remarkable accuracy and deftness in combat for dealing with issues and getting right to the heart of things straight away.

But if this allusion to the British WW2 plane is correct then how does one explain the appearance of Spitfire pants in the court dances of the 16th Century (see photo below)

It is well documented that briefs, jockeys and even pantalonic bloomers offer one's nether regions warmth, support and comfort but the dispensation of judicial wisdom and a searing grasp of the vernacular in all matters is not so easily explainable. 

Whatever the reason, it is without doubt, one of the true anomalies of our time that wearing Spitfire Pants turns even the dumbest of dumb minds into a sage.

click the link below to watch a 16th Century Galliard
(*note:this is a non Spitfire Pants performance)

Spitfire pants are available to buy at all Judge Lob shows.
Prices vary, or buy two pairs and get a complimentary Judge Lob wig & gavel set FREE.




: Pants TRIVIA :
(Hover over to read)

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