"Green, Green Grass of Home", written by Claude "Curly" Putman, Jr. and first recorded by singer Johnny Darrell, is a country song originally made popular by Porter Wagoner in 1965, when it reached No. 4 on the country chart... [more] Listen to Tom Jones' version here
I wanted a 'wobbly record player' effect on the whole song but it ended up being just the feature of the guitar! It's fairly true to the original and you'll either like the wobbly guitar effect or you won't...
*Copyright remains with the original owners and this cover version is not meant to be downloaded nor sold. No commercial gain is sought from its appearance here on this webpage. It is played purely for pleasure and sharing and in tribute to the great songwriting of its author
Editor's Choice: 'Is Turner Lying Down' A song about JWM Turner the artist & his eccentricity Read about... << Listen here >>
Featured Cover: 'Ships In The Night' A Bill Nelson, Be-Bop Deluxe Classic (& a broken harp string!) Read about... << Listen here >>
Featured Original: 'Are You Listening Stanley Kaiser?' A song inspired by Stanley K's bong bong bonging... Read about... << Listen here >>